Eurest (EUR)

Eurest Portugal – European Society of Restaurants- is a catering company, owned by Compass Group, which operates in Portugal for more than 40 years. As a market leader, we believe that the impact we have on our Partners, Customers and Clients must be guided by a high degree of social responsibility and strength in our performance. The Eurest is comprised of different segments of market: business &
Industry, education and health. Our public restaurante is a growing area. We are developing new differentiators concepts, with a strong focus on Portuguese cuisine and products. We believe that our investment in this behaviour is fundament to achieve a balance between economic development and its social and environmental impact. In order to do so, we have established a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, in which we are committed to develop our business fairly, treating Clients, Consumers, Employees, Shareholders, Suppliers, Partners, and the Community in general, with honesty, integrity, safety and respect.

Tasks within TRUE:

Work Package 3

Work package 4

Work Package 7


Country: Portugal



Beatriz Oliveira
