TRUE Press Releases


21-03-23 Why we should turn meatballs green – new research underlines significant environmental benefits [TCD]

21-03-09 UK pulse growers invited to participate in Europe-wide legume initiative. [PGRO]

20-04 New studies show Irish diet is unsustainable – nutritionally, financially and ethically [TCD]

20-02-10 Pulses, sustainable 'superfoods' for the future [JHI]

19-07-22 Pea gin: how your choice of afternoon tipple could help save the rainforest [JHI]

19-07-10 How your choice of afternoon tipple could help save the rainforest [BU]

18-02-09 Meat substitutes and lentil pasta: Legume products on the rise in Europe [TRUE]

18-02-09 Pulses: sustainable ‘superfoods’ for the future [JHI]

17-11-22 Plant protein key to combating global warming? [TCD]

17-10-13 Plant protein can contribute to fight hunger and global warming [TRUE]

17-10-13 Background information and data for the TRUE press release “Plant protein can contribute to fight hunger and global warming” from 13.10.2017 [TCD]

17-06-23 PGRO announces major role in new European legume research project [PGRO]
17-06-20 Beans, Peas, Soy & Co.: EU Project Promotes Cultivation of Pulses in Europe [UHOH]
17-06-12 EU Project Promotes Cultivation of Pulses in Europe [AgriKulti]
17-06-12 Coventry University part of major EU project on sustainable farming systems [CU]
17-06-12 EU Project Promotes Cultivation of Pulses in Europe [IGV]
17-06-12 TRUE food security explored from a legume-based perspective [JHI]



18-02-12 Fleischersatz und Linsen-Pasta: Produkte mit Hülsenfrüchten in Europa im Aufwind [UHOH]

17-06-20 Bohnen, Erbsen, Soja & Co.: EU-Projekt will Anbau von Hülsenfrüchten in Europa vorantreiben [UHOH]

17-06-12 EU-Projekt zur Förderung des Anbaus von Hülsenfrüchten in Europa [IGV]

17-06-12 Wege zum Wandel für nachhaltige, auf Leguminosen basierte Systeme in Europa [AWI]






17-06-12 ESB no projeto TRUE para promover o cultivo de leguminosas na Europa [UCP]