This dialogue event will inform policies for legume-based systems. Legumes are a good indicator of the totally perverted food system. Fruther, they present a seriously conflicting policy issue with several paradoxes, but also contribute solutions to solve e.g. environmental pollution.
TRUE project researchers will present their studies and analyses based on optimal management, farmers agronomy and support needs, market trends that growers face, taste, price and convenience and claims that consumers face.
Recorded presentations
Novel food innovations, Carla S. Santos
New plates old beans! Attila Králl
Just the tonic! Kirsty Black
Winning the market, Karen Hamman
Sustainable Food Products, Sophie Saget
10:30 Welcome and Introduction (Eszter Kelemen (ESSRG), Laura Fetzer (UHOH))
10:35 Presentations on TRUE outcome and policy lessons
11:30 The TRUE policy briefs are discussed in breakout groups
11.45 Conclusion and Discussion (Pete Iannetta (JHI))
12:00 End
TRansition paths to sUstainable legume-based systems in Europe (TRUE) has received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 727973
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