WP6: An Economic Assessment of Sustainable and Profitable Legume Production and Consumption

Lead Partner: Scotland's Rural College

This work package aims to determine the economic performance of legumes at the Farm-, Farm Network (regional), and EU levels in conventional and organic production systems. Data from Case Studies will be used to derive economic and trade indicators at a range of spatial scales for comparison with Sustainability Indicators (WP8) to give an overall appraisal of the potential for legume-based systems.


Task 6.1

Explain distribution of legumes across EU and farm level modelling



Task 6.2

To analyse farmer behaviour in relation to the uptake of sustainable legume production


Task 6.3

To assess the uptake of sustainable and profitable legume at production and consumption level on sector competitiveness and trade, including risk assessments



Definition of Sustainability Indicators for WP8



Behavioural analysis of farmers uptake and consumers choice



Scenarios for upscaling production, including economic and trade indicators