Project: Enhancing of legumes growing in Europe through sustainable cropping for protein supply for food and feed
Lead: Eduardo Rosa
Duration: 2014-2017
Project: LEGumes for the Agriculture of TOmorrow
Lead: Richard Thompson
Project: Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe
Lead: Bob Rees
Duration: 2010-2014
Project: Optimising plant polyphenols in LEGUMES for ruminant nutrition PLUS health PLUS environmental sustainability
Lead: Irene Mueller-Harvey
Duration: 2012-2015
Project: Valorisation of legumes co-products and by-products for package application and energy production from biomass
Lead: IRIS
Duration: 2013-2016
Project: LEgume GEnetic REsources as a tool for the development of innovative and sustainable food TEchnological system
Lead: Riccardo Guidetti, University of Milano
Duration: 2017-2019
TRansition paths to sUstainable legume-based systems in Europe (TRUE) has received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 727973
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