CS15: Organic lupins for agriculture feeds

Fish is the world’s most important animal protein source, and the majority of the fish humans eat now comes for aquaculture (FAO 2016). Large amounts of food (fish meal) is needed to grow aquaculture fish. The case study investigates the use of legumes in formulated diets for feeding fish and shrimps in large recirculating aquaculture systems in northern Germany. Legumes are particularly promising as ingredients for diets for aquatic animals grown in fish farms because of the right mixture of amino acids (protein building blocks) (Glencross et al. 2005). Lupine is one of the most obvious choices for a case study in Germany, as it is a traditional crop, particularly in the north. The study will define and communicate clear, short supply chains to the key participants. The results will contribute to increased use of sustainable legume alternatives to fishmeal, bringing a strong positive environmental balance, and will of course significantly increase protein efficiency for European aquaculture production.

More information:

Type of legumes: Lupin

Type of farming system: Arable, organic


Case Study Leader: Monika Weiß,

Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Helmholtz-Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Germany