IFAU is an SME founded in 1982 in Denmark as a private company. IFAU’s core competences lie within applied market research about global food and agribusiness. Research is conducted locally,
nationally or globally on topics such as food systems, value chains, markets, consumption and consumer patterns, trade, agricultural production, policies, innovation, technologies and, the
competitive situation in all sub-sectors of the food industry and agribusiness. Main fields of work include market analysis, elaboration of strategies, policy recommendations, network
facilitation, matchmaking, and dissemination. IFAU has a
vast international network to research, industry and NGOs.
Relevant experience: Market analysis for mainly Danish clients in the public and private sectors about products, technologies and services for food and agribusiness. Strategic research for developing sectors, value chains, companies or networks. Applied research about food service in Europe. Deep and wide understanding of client’s need for market information in coherence with business development, commercialisation and innovation. Monitoring of trends in markets, among consumers or of new technologies, ingredients and products.
Tasks within TRUE:
Country: Denmark
TRansition paths to sUstainable legume-based systems in Europe (TRUE) has received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 727973
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