The School of Environment, Natural Resources and Geography (SENRGy) at Bangor University is internationally renowned for its cross disciplinary research on sustainable land use, and has a broad
expertise in the fields of agriculture and environmental sciences. Bangor has one of the UK’s largest concentrations of state and private sector organisations working in the rural environment. It
is the location of regional offices for Natural Resources Wales, the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology and Welsh Water. Bangor University achieved a very strong performance in SENRGy subject areas
in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework assessment of UK universities. More than 80% of SENRGy research was rated as being at least ‘internationally excellent’, including more than 25% as
‘world leading’. Bangor and Aberystwyth University joint submissions were ranked 4th and 14th amongst all UK universities by the Agriculture and Environmental sciences panels for “research power”
(research quality x the number of staff submitted). SENRGy is established at the forefront of agricultural carbon footprint and life cycle assessment (LCA) research, and is developing advanced
nested modelling approaches to evaluate
the wider environmental impacts of agricultural interventions as lead organisation in the CLEANER COWS
research cluster. Staff specialising in topics of relevance to the TRUE project who will be available for consultation include: Professor Dave Chadwick, with expertise in nutrient cycling and N2O
emissions; Professor Paul Withers, with expertise in nutrient ccling and soil management; Professor Davey Jones, with expertise in soil carbon cycling; Dr James Gibbons, with expertise in
farm-level modelling and economics; Dr Alejandra Gonzalez-Mejia, with expertise in statistical data mining and farm modelling. these staff and others have detailed knowledge of ecosystem
processes, emission factors, land use practices, cropping, climate change, environmental modelling and wider data sources that will be integrated into the planned LCA modelling.
TRansition paths to sUstainable legume-based systems in Europe (TRUE) has received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 727973
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