James Hutton Institute

The James Hutton Institute has been at the forefront of rural,agricultural and environmental science for 90 years, delivering products and expertise to benefit society. The JHI is one of the world’s leading scientific organisations undertaking research focused on land, crops, pests, crop protection, food security, sustainable agriculture, water and the environment. The Institute brings together a broad range of science disciplines that interconnect to deliver a research strategy of finding solutions to the global
challenges of providing food, forestry-based goods, energy and water from finite land and natural resources under changing environmental conditions. The JHI is a multi-site Institute (Dundee, Aberdeen and associated research platforms and farms) comprised of world class scientists leading in the land, crop, food, water, environmental and socio-economic sciences working in concert. The Institute has a total staff of over 600 with 400 scientific staff organised into 5 science groups covering Cell & Molecular Sciences, Biochemical Sciences, Ecological Sciences, Information & Computational Sciences, and Social,
Economic and Geographical Sciences. 


A key aim of the JHI is to ensure that knowledge generated within the research and other communities flows and reaches the people who can apply it in a timely manner, using close links to consumers, farmers’ groups, the crop protection industry, the food and drink industry, environmental NGOs and governmental policy makers.

Tasks within TRUE:

Work Package 9

Case Study 5


Country: United Kingdom



Dr. Pietro Iannetta

