The Processors and Growers Research Organisation

PGRO Research Limited is the commercial subsidiary company of a grower funded charity with a remit of applied crop research and knowledge transfer. The PGRO mission is to pursue the provision of current advice for growers, the realisation of improved crop yield, quality and economic guidance. To facilitate open, accessible, reliable and relevant knowledge exchange. To develop progressive and innovative approaches towards crop research and development. To create and maintain extensive and close
links with growers, processors, trade and fundamental researcher communities. The organisation aims to ensure members are able to quickly and easily glean appropriate information and advice. Research is carried out to a high standard and within appropriate quality criteria.

PGRO has developed a strong network of collaborating partners ranging from leading international fundamental research institutes (e.g. JIC, Rothamstead and NIAB) to renowned consultancies (e.g. Anderson Centre), Grower representative groups (e.g. NFU) and Trade bodies (e.g. BEPA). Its’ extensive network of members and contacts make PGRO ideally suited to a programme of research examining supply chains and commercial pathways. The organisation focuses on accumulating knowledge of a practical and applied nature, transferring that knowledge for immediate application and impact. It provides market updates, pest monitoring and agronomy services, variety and agronomy tools for decision support as well as rolling programmes of practical field trials. Services are provided free via various communications methods including web sites, social media, paper publications, training
programmes, site promotional knowledge transfer events and direct face to face and telephone contact.

Tasks within TRUE:

 · co-lead development of the Regional Clusters and formation of Pulse Europe
· lead the Atlantic Regional Cluster and contribute to engagement with the Continental and   Mediterranean Regional Clusters
· contribute to Work Package 2
· help provide a synthesis of existing policies and to develop new policies


Country: United Kingdom



Mr. Roger Vickers
